What: A tabot, returned by Dr Ian MacLennan in 2003
Where: Ethiopia, checking exact location
This tabot was taken from Magdala and brought to England by Hormuzd Rassam, a scholar and Queen Victoria’s Special Representative to Emperor Theodore.
It was later purchased by an English collector who put his entire stock of Ethiopian books and artefacts on sale through Maggs Bros book dealers in Mayfair, London.
It was spotted in Maggs’ catalogue by Dr Ian MacLennan, an Irish doctor who was a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He bought it for an undisclosed sum, flew it back to Ethiopia and handed it over to the Orthodox church in July 2003.
Read the BBC’s story on the return
Raided Lost Ark returns home (BBC 1 July 2003)
Posted In Returned plunder | Sacred artefacts | Tabots